Melakukan perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling/clutch

KARYA MANTAP 5 min read

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Model 5E

Mata Pelajaran: Teknik Kendaraan Ringan (TKR)

Kelas/Semester: ..../......

Materi: Melakukan Perawatan dan Overhaul Sistem Kopling

Waktu: 2 x 45 menit

Modul Ajar Melakukan perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling/clutch

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

  1. Siswa memahami fungsi dan komponen utama dari sistem kopling.
  2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling.
  3. Siswa mampu melakukan perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling dengan benar dan aman.

1. Engage (Mengajak)

Tujuan: Memotivasi siswa dan memperkenalkan konsep perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling.


  1. Guru menampilkan video singkat atau demonstrasi langsung tentang cara kerja sistem kopling pada kendaraan.
  2. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan untuk memulai diskusi, seperti:
    • "Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang fungsi sistem kopling pada kendaraan?"
    • "Mengapa penting untuk melakukan perawatan rutin pada sistem kopling?"

Waktu: 10 menit

2. Explore (Eksplorasi)

Tujuan: Siswa mengeksplorasi komponen utama dari sistem kopling dan proses perawatannya.


  1. Siswa dibagi ke dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil.
  2. Setiap kelompok ditugaskan untuk meneliti salah satu komponen utama dari sistem kopling, seperti pelat kopling, tekanan kopling, bantalan kopling, atau silinder master kopling.
  3. Mereka mencari informasi tentang fungsi, cara kerja, dan langkah-langkah perawatan dan overhaul dari masing-masing komponen tersebut.
  4. Setiap kelompok membuat ringkasan temuan mereka untuk disajikan di depan kelas.

Waktu: 20 menit

3. Explain (Menjelaskan)

Tujuan: Menguraikan konsep perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling serta pentingnya perawatannya.


  1. Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan temuan mereka.
  2. Guru memberikan penjelasan tambahan tentang fungsi, cara kerja, dan perawatan sistem kopling.
  3. Guru menjelaskan pentingnya perawatan rutin dan overhaul untuk menjaga kinerja sistem kopling serta menghindari kerusakan yang lebih parah.

Waktu: 20 menit

4. Elaborate (Mengelaborasi)

Tujuan: Memperdalam pemahaman siswa dengan praktek langsung.


  1. Siswa melakukan praktik langsung di bengkel sekolah.
  2. Mereka diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan perawatan dan overhaul pada sistem kopling kendaraan yang sudah ditentukan.
  3. Guru memberikan arahan dan bimbingan selama praktik berlangsung, memastikan bahwa setiap langkah dilakukan dengan benar dan aman.

Waktu: 30 menit

5. Evaluate (Mengevaluasi)

Tujuan: Menilai pemahaman dan keterampilan siswa dalam melakukan perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling.


  1. Siswa menyelesaikan kuis singkat yang mencakup pertanyaan tentang konsep sistem kopling, langkah-langkah perawatan, dan overhaul.
  2. Guru mengevaluasi praktik perawatan dan overhaul siswa dan memberikan umpan balik langsung.
  3. Diskusi kelas tentang pengalaman praktik dan konsep yang dipelajari.

Waktu: 20 menit



  1. Guru merangkum kembali poin-poin penting dari pembelajaran hari ini.
  2. Guru memberikan tugas rumah yang melibatkan pencarian lebih lanjut tentang masalah umum yang terjadi pada sistem kopling dan cara mengatasinya.

Waktu: 5 menit

Alat dan Bahan:

  1. Video atau demonstrasi tentang cara kerja sistem kopling
  2. Materi referensi tentang komponen dan perawatan sistem kopling
  3. Kendaraan atau model sistem kopling untuk praktek perawatan dan overhaul
  4. Alat-alat dan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk praktek perawatan dan overhaul


  1. Partisipasi dalam diskusi dan presentasi kelompok
  2. Praktik perawatan dan overhaul sistem kopling
  3. Kuis singkat
  4. Tugas rumah

Demikianlah RPP menggunakan model 5E untuk materi "Melakukan Perawatan dan Overhaul Sistem Kopling". Semoga bermanfaat!

5E Lesson Plan for Class XII: Maintenance and Overhaul of the Clutch System

Subject: Automotive Engineering

Grade: XII

Topic: Maintenance and Overhaul of the Clutch System

Duration: 2 hours

1. Engage

Objective: Stimulate interest and activate prior knowledge.


  1. Discussion Starter: Begin with a discussion on the importance of the clutch system in vehicles. Ask students to share any experiences they have had with clutch issues or repairs.
  2. Short Video: Show a short video (5 minutes) illustrating the basic operation of the clutch system in a car. This visual aid will help students grasp the basic concepts and importance of the clutch.

Questions to Ask:

  • What do you think happens if the clutch system fails?
  • Why is regular maintenance of the clutch important?

2. Explore

Objective: Allow students to investigate and gather information on the clutch system.


Hands-On Exploration: Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a model of a clutch system or components of a clutch system. Let them explore the components, identify parts, and discuss their functions.

Research Task: Assign each group to research one specific aspect of clutch maintenance or overhaul (e.g., common problems, tools required, safety procedures).

Materials Needed:

  1. Clutch system models or actual components
  2. Computers/Tablets for research
  3. Worksheets for recording observations

3. Explain

Objective: Provide explanations and clarify student understanding.


  1. Group Presentations: Have each group present their findings on their assigned aspect of clutch maintenance and overhaul. Ensure they explain the function of each component, common issues, and the steps for maintenance or overhaul.
  2. Teacher Explanation: Summarize the key points from the presentations, and fill in any gaps. Use diagrams and animations to explain the detailed workings of the clutch system and the step-by-step process of performing an overhaul.

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard/Smartboard
  • Diagrams and animations
  • Presentation slides

4. Elaborate

Objective: Extend students' understanding through application and practice.


  1. Practical Demonstration: Conduct a live demonstration of a clutch system overhaul in the workshop. Explain each step, the tools used, and the precautions to take. Allow students to ask questions throughout the demonstration.
  2. Hands-On Activity: Let students work in pairs to practice the basic maintenance tasks on a clutch system. Monitor their work and provide guidance as needed.

Materials Needed:

  • Workshop setup with necessary tools and equipment
  • Clutch systems for practice
  • Safety gear (gloves, goggles, etc.)

5. Evaluate

Objective: Assess student understanding and skills.


  1. Quiz: Conduct a short quiz on the key concepts covered, including the parts of the clutch system, common issues, and maintenance steps.
  2. Practical Assessment: Observe students as they perform a specific maintenance task on the clutch system and evaluate their proficiency.
  3. Reflection: Have students write a short reflection on what they learned about the importance of clutch maintenance and their experience in the hands-on activities.

Materials Needed:

  • Quiz papers or online quiz platform
  • Assessment rubric for practical task
  • Reflection sheets

Additional Resources

  • Reading Material: Provide handouts or links to articles on clutch maintenance and overhaul.
  • Videos: Curate a playlist of instructional videos on YouTube for further learning.
  • Safety Considerations
  • Ensure all students wear appropriate safety gear during practical activities.
  • Supervise students closely during hands-on tasks to prevent accidents.


  1. Summarize the importance of regular maintenance and proper overhaul of the clutch system.
  2. Encourage students to ask questions and discuss any challenges they faced during the activities.

This lesson plan aims to engage students with a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring they understand both the importance and the method of maintaining and overhauling a clutch system.

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